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My Journey Towards A Bitcoin Standard

Category: Bitcoin

Bitcoin is magic internet money, freeing us from the tyranny of fiat currency which is currently being printed into worthlessness with the new experiment called Modern Monetary Theory.

Go and buy bitcoin now before it all goes to s$#t. Or if you need any other help, check this out.

Created and first mined in 2009, it’s now a worldwide phenomenon, but still, an experiment though one that’s getting a bit of momentum behind it now.

Since the bull run of 2013 when it first reached $1,000 and especially in 2017, when it peaked at $20,000, bitcoin has captured the imagination of people.

Now in October 2023, as I update this page, Bitcoin is in another bear market, the next halvening is happening and more people are working on Bitcoin Adoption and building the circular economy.

Wanna trade bitcoin?

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