buy gold easily bitgold

How To Buy Gold Easily With BitGold

I own gold! For the first time in my life, except for any gold bangle that my mom let me play with growing up (which I owned while I played), I own some of the precious metal. One bitcoin worth to be exact and at today’s price that’s about 6 grams worth of the yellow…

I own gold! For the first time in my life, except for any gold bangle that my mom let me play with growing up (which I owned while I played), I own some of the precious metal.

One bitcoin worth to be exact and at today’s price that’s about 6 grams worth of the yellow metal. The ease and simplicity that it took me to open the account and own my first (slab, sliver?) is what makes the story intriguing.

You see, I simply sent 1BTC from my wallet to fund my new BitGold account and chose the vault that I wanted to keep my gold in (no storage fees either). Easy peasy.

“But, but, but…” how can that be I hear you say, don’t you have to buy it on an authorised gold bullion exchange, store it in a state of the art vault and transport it around under armed guard and all if you want to pay someone.

“No,” is the simple answer because with the power of bitcoin, the regulatory environment in Canada and BitGold, this revolutionary business idea that I’m loving more and more the more I learn about them. It took me about 30 minutes in all, to visit their site, open an account, verify my mobile number & email address and upload an identity document. This is my notification telling me that I own those 6 grams. I feel like a dealer now 🙂

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