job opportunities with bitcoin software design for the disempowered but inspired

Job Opportunities with Bitcoin. Software Design for the Disempowered But Inspired

Here’s A short compilation of videos that Andreas recommends watching

Here’s A short compilation of videos that Andreas recommends watching in his video Job opportunities with cryptocurrencies‘.

Code to Inspire (Twitter @CodeToInspire the first coding school for girls in Afghanistan, which uses Bitcoin for financial support & autonomy due to a lack of payment processors and high fees in the country (

The BitGive Foundation (Twitter @BitGiveOrg, a nonprofit organization that runs a program called GiveTrack, which allows donors to trace bitcoin transactions on a public platform in real time to see how funds are spent, ensure they reach their final destination, and track the results generated from contributions. (


Source videos published by the aantonop YouTube channel under a creative commons licence

Music: Com Truise – Alfa Beach

Suggested videos: What is the role of nodes?
How likely is it that Bitcoin will become obsolete?
The Bitcoin Lightning Network Questions

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About the Creative Commons Licence: One goal of Creative Commons is to increase the amount of openly licensed creativity in “the commons” — the body of work freely available for legal use, sharing, repurposing, and remixing. Through the use of CC licenses, millions of people around the world have made their photos, videos, writing, music, and other creative content available for any member of the public to use.

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