delirium of trump mania wins mr

Delirium of Trump Mania Win’s Mr BrExit US Presidential Election 2016

So Donald Trump, Mr BrExit, WON the US Presidential Election of 2016 despite the fact that right up until the polls closed the pollsters, the mainstream media journalists and paid pundits, the so called analysts, financial markets and even betting markets ALL had concluded that Hillary Clinton was going to win. How did he do…

So Donald Trump, Mr BrExit, WON the US Presidential Election of 2016 despite the fact that right up until the polls closed the pollsters, the mainstream media journalists and paid pundits, the so called analysts, financial markets and even betting markets ALL had concluded that Hillary Clinton was going to win. How did he do it and why did nearly every analyst get it so badly wrong?

We’ll find out why in my latest and last video analysis on the US Presidential election of 2016. One where the pollster number crunches were all looking in the wrong direction for as I repeatedly pointed out that the US polls would turn out to be just as wrong as they were for the UK’s EU Referendum, this election was never about the numbers.

So Donald Trump played his part perfectly as Mr Brexit and now we await to see what shape his next role will take as Mr President, early signs are it will be a watered down version of Mr Brexit, instead of BrExit X10 as he was often heard saying, it’s more likely to turn out to be BrExit 25%.

Ensure you are subscribed to my always free newsletter for in-depth analysis and detailed trend analysis as we escape Donald Trump’ crazy vortex for at least a couple of months instead leaving the fools who never saw it coming to fill the air-waves with their drivel.

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