bigger debt bomb elliott wave

Brace Yourself for a Bigger Debt Bomb

The debt implosion from  2007 to 2009 shook the financial world. But a still-bigger debt disaster may be  on the horizon. The just-published May Elliott Wave  Financial Forecast comments on the findings of consulting firm  McKinsey & Co.

Global economic growth remains weak

By Elliott Wave International

The debt implosion from  2007 to 2009 shook the financial world. But a still-bigger debt disaster may be  on the horizon.
The just-published May Elliott Wave  Financial Forecast comments on the findings of consulting firm  McKinsey & Co.

According to a February 2014 study…total global  debt is up 40% since 2007 to $199 trillion. As a percentage of GDP, “debt is  now higher in most nations than it was before the crisis” of 2008/09. On  average globally, it is 286% now vs. 269% in 2007.

Thirteen nations highlighted in the study  (including the U.S., Japan and several in Europe) require an average growth  rate of 3.3% just to start to deleverage.

Germany and Spain saw a pickup in economic  activity in Q4 of 2014. But, overall, economic growth looks increasingly  feeble. Take a look at these recent headlines:

  • China’s Economy Slows  to Weakest Since 2009 as Output Wanes – (Bloomberg, April 14)
  • UK economic growth slows  to 0.3% in first quarter – (Financial Times, April 28)
  • U.S. economy grew at  anemic 0.2% pace in Q1 – (USA Today, April 29)
  • Bank of Japan cuts  economic growth, inflation outlook – (Agence France-Presse, April 30)
  • Reserve Bank [of  Australia] to cut interest rates in May in face of weak economy – (Sydney  Morning Herald, May 1)

The McKinsey study goes on to say that debt is  rising among households and corporations.

The milestone in rejections of corporate loan  applications also suggests that the “debt bomb” is ticking. Take a look at this  chart and commentary from the April Elliott Wave Theorist:


ZeroHedge… posted a thirteen-year index  reflecting the rate at which corporate loan applications at banks and other  lenders are rejected each month, as reported by the National Association of  Credit Management (NACM). …

At EWI, we call the plunge shown in the final  bar a “light-switch” event. Suddenly in March 2015, banks and other lending  institutions rejected business loan applications at a rate that must be at a  record high since the 1940s. Wow. Here is one more amazing indicator of  monetary and economic weakness in the face of stock market strength.

Business loan application rejections reflect a  psychology described in the third edition of Conquer the Crash:

When the social mood trend changes from optimism  to pessimism, creditors, debtors, producers and consumers change their primary  orientation from expansion to conservation. As  creditors become more conservative, they slow their lending.

Current global debt levels are unsustainable.

Our indicators suggest that the next debt crisis  could be the most severe in U.S. history.

Want to read more on this topic? Our friends at  Elliott Wave International have just put together a report all about global  debt, and you can have it on your screen – free!  See below for more details.

What You Need to Know About Deflation

Credit Insanity: The Biggest Debt Bomb in History and the Fuse is Lit

Created for paying  subscribers and now accessible to the public for the first time, this  eye-opening new report reveals the precarious consumer, corporate and  government debt situation around the world. Read this three-part report now and hear  directly from the top analyst at the world’s largest financial forecasting firm  about key research, statistics and concerns about U.S. and global debt, as well  as its imminent threats to investors. 

Get your free report now »

This article was syndicated by Elliott Wave International and
was originally published under the headline Brace Yourself for a Bigger Debt Bomb.
EWI is the world’s largest market forecasting firm. Its staff
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