the illusion of money fiat curre

The Illusion Of Money. Fiat Currency and the Gold Standard

Could the debt based fiat money illusion be coming to an end? As global trust in corporations, governments and central banks plummet to all-time lows, will those in power maintain enough public confidence to conclude the shift to a SDR standard and remain in control of the global financial system? Or will the loss of…

Could the debt based fiat money illusion be coming to an end?

As global trust in corporations, governments and central banks plummet to all-time lows, will those in power maintain enough public confidence to conclude the shift to a SDR standard and remain in control of the global financial system?

Or will the loss of public confidence usher in the opportunity for a real regime shift?



So a little back ground for this webinar today I’m going to show you the illusions of the money system through the entire trend cycle you’re going to hear what it sounds like and you’re going to see how it evolves and how you can see the truth because every good con game starts with the truth and thanks to jpmorgan we know for a fact that gold is good money so that’s the truth and we were on that standard for a long time people were used to it comfortable saw that it did not rob you of them of your purchasing power through inflation but of course that doesn’t really work for governments so the transition began to the illusion of fiat money which is anybody come to these webinars no that’s government legalized money now the people at the top really understood that and that’s why as you can see in this Henry Ford code is that if people really understood the system there would be a revolution by morning I’m going to show you in a little bit that people are beginning to understand it but of course it’s not just those at the top however when a well packaged web of lies has been sold two generations the truth will seem outrages and the speaker a raving lunatic.

So let me introduce you to one of those lunatics sir Alanl Greenspan now this is from 1966 in his gold and economic freedom freedom seminal speech but at that point he was an economist and as an economist in the sixties he certainly saw that the current system was breaking down again and knew that there was going to be a money standard shift and what was he promoting the gold standard because that is the only way to hold your purchasing power our and save your wealth from inflation of course he wasn’t part of the Federal Reserve then so Nixon of course didn’t listen to him and did remove us completely from the gold standard handing full control of inflation over to the private for-profit central banks so we shifted now from a dollar gold standard to a dollar debt standard now of course the whole system was about to implode but thanks to Henry Kissinger who went over to Saudi Arabia and created the petro dollar which forced the world to buy oil in terms of dollars he was able to keep the illusion going now if you stop and think back to the seventies for those of us that were around then there was a lot of chaos happening the Vietnam War and all of the protests the women’s lib oil embargo lots and lots of things to distract us they didn’t come out with new dollar bills so the dollar bill in our pocket seems the same as it had been our whole lives so we didn’t know and we were distracted that anything had changed when in reality everything had changed.

So in order to keep the illusion going they had to manage perceptions what you’re looking at here is a picture of then President Ronald Reagan meeting with Rupert Murdoch who at that point was in a US citizen but definitely was a publishing mogul and he was encouraged to come over here and really expand his media empire which he did because there is a chance that they could use this the government and the central bankers could use this to distribute information in a way that the public would accept it and continue the illusion and oh look who we have here sir Alan who now had to keep the perception going because one thing we know for sure is that a rising gold price as good money is an indication of a failing fiat money so this is from a 1993 fomc meeting minute when he was fed chair and he says if we are dealing with psychology then the thermometers one uses to measure it have an effect here what would happen if the Treasury so little gold into the market there is an interesting question here because the gold price breaks in that context the thermometer would not be just a measurement tool it would basically affect the underlying psychology so we’re here we have sir Alan telling us that they’re going to manipulate the gold prices so that you and I don’t know that there’s a problem with the fiat money system.

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