hunting the lost symbol 2010 dan

Hunting The Lost Symbol 2010 Dan Brown

I’ve been watching a few movies where the book, “The Lost Symbol” has been mentioned. I’ve found the audiobook that I’ll share in the comments but here’s a documentary that I’m watching that attempts to separate fact from fiction in this best selling author’s latest book exposing the occult mysteries of our civiliszations. This…

I’ve been watching a few movies where the book, “The Lost Symbol” has been mentioned. I’ve found the audiobook that I’ll share in the comments but here’s a documentary that I’m watching that attempts to separate fact from fiction in this best selling author’s latest book exposing the occult mysteries of our civiliszations.

This is what I found on the video’s description page:

the Freemasons and their involvement in the founding of the United States of America. I have never actually read Dan Brown’s best selling book that this show talks about, but the info on Freemasonry was really good to a novice seeker such as myself.

Several of our Presidents were Freemasons, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Ben Franklin and many other founding fathers were Freemasons and they were all Deists who believed in a God, but they also believed that people should be allowed to have whatever religious beliefs they chose to have, as long as they didn’t force their religion onto others. According to Hunting the Lost Symbol, that is why the Freemasons do not have religious rites in their rituals, as to them religion is a private matter and not to be coerced by someone else.

Many Freemasonic ideas found their way into our U.S. Constitution, to include freedom of speech and separation of church and state. Apparently the early Freemasons had witnessed enough bloodshed and atrocity in Europe with religious wars and wanted to start a new country that had freedom of religion for everybody! Such genius!

Of course the Monarchy and Church both hated the ideas of freedom of speech and separation of church and state, because it undermined their stranglehold on the people and what they were allowed to officially believe and think.

Hunting the Lost Symbol also revealed a lot of information about research into psychic phenomena at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, founded by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell. It covered things like remote viewing experminets called Project Stargate in the CIA during the Cold War. Lots of success stories with this phenomena apparently. Remote viewing was even used by our government during the first Gulf War.

This show also covers a lot of the crazy lies and conspiracy theories put forth by people like Pat Robertson of 700 Club fame concerning the Freemasons. Lucifer was mentioned in a book by a Freemason named Pike and some radical Christians of course jumped all over that one and claimed that Freemasonry was a satanic religion. First off, it was the Christians that identified Lucifer with Satan in the first place. In actuality, Lucifer was the Morning Star or Planet Venus. The name comes from the Latin and only means Light Bringer. To the Freemasons, Lucifer in this context merely meant the bringer of light, knowledge, truth, etc. Not evil!

If I’m not mistaken, Lucifer was actually a name of an ancient Pagan God of Light and had nothing whatsoever to do with the Christian personification of evil as Satan. Anyone that knows their Bible, and the Freemasons were experts on the Bible and decifering its codes, knows the when Lucifer is mentioned in the Old Testement, he was not being referred to as Satan as Christians would like to believe. In context that verse was talking about a King involved at the time, NOT a fallen angel later called Satan.

This movie covers a lot of territory and covers a lot of the reality behind Dan Brown’s book. Some of his book was pure fiction, but a lot of it was based in truth, as Hunting the Lost Symbol clearly shows. Highly recommended!

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