wealthy affiliate

Why I chose Wealth Affiliate as my affiliate marketing community

Everyone needs training, support and encouragement in anything they do to be successful and affiliate marketing is no exception. There’s tons of training out there on the internet, some free (but you have to go hunting for them almost into the deep web), most are overpriced and hyped up products which aren’t worth the paper…

Everyone needs training, support and encouragement in anything they do to be successful and affiliate marketing is no exception. There’s tons of training out there on the internet, some free (but you have to go hunting for them almost into the deep web), most are overpriced and hyped up products which aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on the the DVD they shipped with and there’s a whole bunch that’s just plain evil.

There are however, some gems and Wealthy Affiliate is one of them. This is what I like about them so much.

1) You Can Start For Free

Like all good freemium affiliate programs, starting with them is free and even at his level, you can access quite a bit. There’s loads of free training you can access to start your own affiliate website and they give you two free sites for free (more on this later). My first site is here and its a revival of the bitcoin baba persona, haha.

I’ve decided to earn my premium account and introduce at least 3 other people to do so. There’s lots more you can access as a premium member and instead of repeating it here, I’ll simply direct you to this link to check it out fully.

2) Create 2 Free Sites To See If They’re Worthwhile

Yes, they give you two free wordpress sites that you own (though it is on their domain and you don’t have so much super access, like add new plugins or themes to the site) and are hosted on super fast wordpress optimised servers. Their SiteRubix platform is certainly a competitive platform to investigate for any wordpress webhost.

3) Free Affiliate Bootcamp To Teach You How To Promote Any Affiliate Offer Starting with WA

Though there’s more content in the premium version, they have enough training in the free version to help you create an an affiliate offer and get conversions. For example, this is the article on their site that I’m referencing to creating this post.

Expect to see more content on this blog about them over time as I go through more of the training.

4) Keyword Research Tools That Simplify Content Creation

They have a fully fledged keyword research tool, and you have 30 searches to try them out, click here for that. I’ve already go some traction for the gold affiliate program that I’m busy creating content for. The next month should tell me whether I’ve attracted any significant search engine traffic for the terms I’m targeting.

5) A Community of Experts to Help You Out Every Step Of The Way

Even the best of us need help sometime and in this community where the founders are actively involved in the site on a daily basis and is people with thousands of other successful affiliate marketers so are sure to have any question you have answered.

Try out their free version, create two affiliate sites with the training they give you and see how far you go. If you’re serious about making money online, upgrade to a premium account and get the full monty.  Your first month is just $19 and you can tell if its for you or not.

[button link=”https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/createaccount?a_aid=41e027e1″ type=”big” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] Click Here To Create Your Account[/button]

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