
Why Mindvalley Products Are Excellent Affiliate Marketing Promotions

Join the Mindvalley affiliate program and earn an online income helping other people be the best version of themselves.

I’ve been following Mindvalley for a few years now.

I think their products are exceptional for the audience I had once created online.

I don’t have such a big audience in the self-help and healing niche any longer (I pruned that mailing list down drastically) but still have a large community of people who are online and interested in the kinds of programs that Mindvalley produce.

And the teachers that are on their platform are also well known and famous, people are searching for them online and so getting SEO traffic is easy.

They also supply excellent content for their “launches”, they use this method of promotion to excite people about the courses that they sell and usually provide excellent value to people, even if they don’t invest in the actual courses.

Latest Launch, The Uncompromised Life

They have an upcoming launch from tomorrow, The Uncompromised Life with Marisa Peer that I’ve been working on most of this weekend. Super Brain was the previous one and although I got a few leads, none converted into sales, yet.

I’ve had success promoting Life Visioning, with Michael Beckwith, Energy Medicine with Donna Eden and a Tantra course with Psalm Isadora was extremely popular before she unfortunately passed.

Mindvalley also has a sub-affiliate program and that’s the purpose of this article, to invite you to come and join me in promoting these excellent courses and earning an income from doing so.

If, like me, you have an interest in self-development, belong to a community of people who do or would like to enter the world of affiliate marketing promoting excellent courses, then click here to sign up and let me know when you’re done.

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