In the past I used my WordPress installation as the place where I tested all sorts of plugins, marketing strategies and viral opportunities for no good reason. My site was full of files, database entries and plugin files that I was never going to use, it made my site slow and it sometimes didn’t work on some browsers.
Even though some of the site was well ranked in Google, and it brought me tons of traffic, its now time to be more focused on income generation or community building and so I’ve decided to delete the whole shebang and start again from scratch. I’ve kept some of the content that was important to me, especially the ones that brought consistent search traffic and conversions.
Its time for a new beginning and I hope to have you along with me for the ride, in this blog I’ll be sharing my adventures in Forex Trading, Affiliate Marketing and crypto-currencies with special focus on how you can reach financial freedom from them. The blog has the free version of commentluv installed so if you’re a blogger, leaving a comment will score you a dofollow link back to your latest post (I hope to get the premium version soon.
Over to you now, do you have a blog? What are your goals for your blog? I’d love to know and connect with you there, please leave a comment below and share your details.