
Why I’ve Chosen To Celebrate Mauvision on #internationalwomensday

International Women’s Day is to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women and I’ve decided to honour Maurizia Bellomo the founder of Mauvision. Won’t you celebrate with me? Please share this with your network and help celebrate this woman.

International Women’s Day is to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women and I’ve decided to honour one special woman in my immediate circle for her work in art and culture.

But first an important video from the champions of this annual event.

Maurizia Bellomo the founder of Mauvision has slowly but surely cuddled into my heart and if she carries on this way will find a permanent place there, so I take this opportunity to celebrating what she’s achieved so far.

On a personal note, I’m hoping to collaborate with her and help get her work out to a broader online audience.

Won’t you celebrate with me? Please share this with your network and help celebrate this woman. Visit her Facebook Page and connect with her work there.

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