quantum mechanics

Quantum Mechanics Course

A fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.

Quantum physics also known as Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that provides a description of the physical properties of nature at the scale of atoms and subatomic particles.

It is the foundation of all quantum physics including quantum chemistry, quantum field theory, quantum technology, and quantum information science.

In this course you will learn about Quantum mechanics from the beginning to the end. The following topics of Quantum mechanics have been discussed in this course:

quantum mechanics

⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction to quantum mechanics
⌨️ (0:16:23) The domain of quantum mechanics
⌨️ (0:24:18) Key concepts of quantum mechanics
⌨️ (0:34:04) A review of complex numbers for QM
⌨️ (0:48:12) Examples of complex numbers
⌨️ (1:01:47) Probability in quantum mechanics
⌨️ (1:12:17) Variance of probability distribution
⌨️ (1:26:16) Normalization of wave function
⌨️ (1:51:47) Position, velocity and momentum from the wave function
⌨️ (2:10:59) Introduction to the uncertainty principle
⌨️ (2:24:32) Key concepts of QM – revisited
⌨️ (2:37:45) Separation of variables and Schrodinger equation
⌨️ (3:09:55) Stationary solutions to the Schrodinger equation
⌨️ (3:15:47) Superposition of stationary states
⌨️ (3:25:37) Potential function in the Schrodinger equation
⌨️ (3:48:10) Infinite square well (particle in a box) |
⌨️ (4:00:58) Infinite square well states, orthogonality – Fourier series
⌨️ (4:08:07) Infinite square well example – computation and simulation
⌨️ (4:39:27) Quantum harmonic oscillators via ladder operators
⌨️ (5:16:48) Quantum harmonic oscillators via power series
⌨️ (5:28:32) Free particles and Schrodinger equation
⌨️ (5:34:37) Free particles wave packets and stationary states
⌨️ (6:10:33) Free particle wave packet example
⌨️ (6:13:43) The Dirac delta function
⌨️ (6:20:49) Boundary conditions in the time independent Schrodinger equation
⌨️ (6:24:39) The bound state solution to the delta function potential TISE
⌨️ (6:43:29) Scattering delta function potential
⌨️ (6:55:49) Finite square well scattering states
⌨️ (7:07:39) Linear algebra introduction for quantum mechanics
⌨️ (7:10:34) Linear transformation
⌨️ (7:13:04) Mathematical formalism is Quantum mechanics
⌨️ (7:37:52) Hermitian operator eigen-stuff
⌨️ (8:01:23) Statistics in formalized quantum mechanics
⌨️ (8:24:26) Generalized uncertainty principle
⌨️ (8:54:36) Energy time uncertainty
⌨️ (9:16:33) Schrodinger equation in 3d
⌨️ (9:19:56) Hydrogen spectrum
⌨️ (9:31:14) Angular momentum operator algebra
⌨️ (9:57:17) Angular momentum eigen function
⌨️ (10:18:08) Spin in quantum mechanics
⌨️ (10:22:23) Two particles system
⌨️ (10:58:03) Free electrons in conductors
⌨️ (11:09:23) Band structure of energy levels in solids

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