top posts 8may 2015

Top Posts for the week 8 May 2015

The top posts for this week starts with a surprising one that I think a few people were googling. I even got a request from someone who was looking for the item of clothing that comes with this slogan. Its good to see my money post come in at second spot. Thank Buddha for SEO…

The top posts for this week starts with a surprising one that I think a few people were googling. I even got a request from someone who was looking for the item of clothing that comes with this slogan.

Its good to see my money post come in at second spot. Thank Buddha for SEO and all the traffic from search engines. Tesla’s announcement rounds off the podium positions and I hope this means more people will go offgrid now.

It seems like lots of people are exploring if this scam is legit, I’m sorry to say that its not and things will only end badly when this implodes. This fun but ridiculous viral video takes the next spot and was a fun little interlude.

The occult and hidden magical tradition in the Western world, especially the dark part follows with a sickening expose of what happens in the violence of the military and it makes for not very pleasant viewing.

Another fun and sexually enlightening video follows in the next place and I found this very enlightening as it follows very nicely from my investigation into tantra and taoist sexuality and the gnostic traditions seem to echo the important practice of non ejaculatory orgasmic intercourse.

Next is another of my money posts, a review of all the forex brokers operating in this country. This page seems to rank quite highly and I’m hoping for more traffic to this page in the coming months. Then its a new one on places to earn bitcoin for free. Another Tesla post, this time a doccie on the man himself and finally this hilarious trailer of the 50 Shades movie that gave me enough of a synopsis to not want to watch the movie or read the book.

After a month and a week of this new look and new content on the blog and things are picking up quite nicely. My target is to increase traffic by at least 25% and strive for 4,000 uniques this month. Wish me luck 🙂

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