Summer of Love for Gold Bulls: How “Quandary” Became Clarity
Haroun Kola
Summer of Love for Gold Bulls: How “Quandary” Became Clarity By Elliott Wave International As mainstream experts struggled to see the direction in gold, Elliott wave analysis saw a clear, bullish triangle. Then, gold prices rocketed to six-year highs! A common misconception of trading is that the best opportunities come near market highs and lows,…
Worried About the Fed? Don’t Be — Here’s Why
Haroun Kola
By Elliott Wave International Achieving and maintaining success as a stock market investor is a tall order. You, like many others, probably watch financial TV networks, read analysis and talk to fellow investors, trying to understand what’s next for the stock market. One popular stock market “indicator” is interest rates. Mainstream analysts parse every word…
U.S. Investors: ‘Watch Europe’. An Article by EWI
Haroun Kola
Elliott Wave International’s Chief European Analyst, Brian Whitmer, claims that right now, Europe “is the closest thing a US investor will get a crystal ball.” If you find that intriguing (as we do), you’ll be glad to know that this weekend (March 8-11), EWI is unlocking its European Financial Forecast Service. EFFS usually costs $69 a…
The Uncanny Ratio That Shows Dangerous Territory For Stocks
Haroun Kola
Distill p/e ratios down to its most basic actionable information based on almost 140 years of back-tested data, and you arrive at two hard-and-fast conclusions.
The New Real Estate Hyper-Bubble Is Here
Haroun Kola
Not only is the new real estate hyper-bubble here, but signs abound that it is popping right now.
Crash in Gold… What Happens Now?
Haroun Kola
Gold has seen a dramatic drop in past few months. What do the charts say about the yellow metal?
This Is How Trade Wars Can Lead To Shooting Wars
Haroun Kola
Join Mike Maloney as he analyzes the massive unintended consequences caused by the current foray into trade wars and tariffs.
The Truth About the 2008 Financial Meltdown and How it Contributed to Trump’s Rise
Haroun Kola
What is the truth behind the 2008 Financial Collapse, why was no one prosecuted and how did Obama’s not prosecuting the “banksters” and strengthening Glass Steagal lead to Trump in the White House?
Win 1 Bitcoin & Other Cool Prizes By Buying Or Sharing This Book, The Age of Anomaly
Haroun Kola
Win 1 Bitcoin or other cool prized by buying or sharing the book “The Age of Anomaly” by Andrei Polgar
How to Spot Reliable Trade Setups in Any Market and Any Time Frame
Haroun Kola
Jeffrey Kennedy and Jordan Kotick discuss how to use price charts to uncover highly reliable trade setups. Its free to join.