the most critical thing you need

The Most Critical Thing You Need To Know About Forex Trading

A few days ago, my mentor posted an article on his site warning every potential forex trader what to expect in this industry. In this post, I summarise his article and give you a link to it so that you may know what happens in cut-throat place, but first a warning. This might shock you, it might…

A few days ago, my mentor posted an article on his site warning every potential forex trader what to expect in this industry.

In this post, I summarise his article and give you a link to it so that you may know what happens in cut-throat place, but first a warning.

This might shock you, it might not be what you WANT to hear about Forex trading but if you don’t want to get chewed up and spit out by the Forex markets and the Forex industry you need to continue reading.

You see many online media outlets and propaganda-based information are luring ‘fresh meat’ into the trading industry. You are the “fresh meat” but they don’t want you to know that.

Basically, the Forex industry wants you to trade without an education, without knowing what you’re doing, because they know that’s the fastest way they will get your money. The market and most brokers don’t care at all if you lose.

This post covers

  1. The reality of how the Forex trading industry works
  2. How to pull your head out of the clouds and be realistic
  3. False-confidence when you’re still naïve
  4. Ego vs. Insanity and the crucial importance of mental skills in your trading career
  5. How not to be fooled by the next big thing, and why you’ll only be disappointed if you do go hunting for it.

To read the full article, sign up to my newsletter. I’ll also some other valuable trainings and support from mentors who are dedicated to first time traders be successful, safely in the market and aren’t out to simply scam you.

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