10 most succesful traders of all time R8SdSUfHcdw

10 Most Succesful Traders of All Time

Trading is with no doubt one of the most lucrative professions on earth, as it can be the way wealth to many, but also to extreme poverty for wealthy ones who suffer from bad trades. Here is a list of 10 Men who managed to be Billionaires just through trading stocks or Forex.

Trading is with no doubt one of the most lucrative professions on earth, as it can be the way wealth to many, but also to extreme poverty for wealthy ones who suffer from bad trades. Here is a list of 10 Men who managed to be Billionaires just through trading stocks or Forex.

10 – Edward Lampert (USA)
09 – Stanley Druckenmiller (USA)
08 – Paul Tudor Jones II (USA)
07 – Kenneth Griffin (USA)
06 – David Tepper (USA)
05 – John Paulson (USA)
04 – Stephen Cohen (USA)
03 – Ray Dalio (USA)
02 – Carl Icahn (USA)
01 – Georges Soros (USA, born in Hungary)

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