Bashar Why Staying on the Highest Frequency Path is Important
Haroun Kola
Bashar explains that this time span we are in is one for streamlining and fine-tuning our frequency, and why we must tread a very very narrow and high frequency path during the years 2013 through 2015, or else things in our lives can and will become confusing and chaotic. The excerpt is Bashar speaking from…
Pleidian Prophecy of 2015 to 2017. Is A World Revolution Coming?
Haroun Kola
Published on Jan 28, 2015 The Pleiadians channeled by Barbara Marciniak 11/23/14. Predictions: Revelations, Religion, GMOs, Ebola, Economic Crash, Mass Awakening and More. OK, so I’ll admit it, I don’t take changelings seriously, I don’t believe everything I hear. We may live in a world that seems fantastical and beyond our comprehension (actually some people…