how to attract abundance with energy clearing a short video by christie marie sheldon b93ZLw Ra8

How To Attract Abundance With Energy Clearing. A Short Video by Christie Marie Sheldon

In this video, Christie Marie Sheldon reveals how your abundance blocks are keeping you from attracting the financial prosperity and success you deserve, and how you can remove these blocks to experience abundance.

In this video, filmed at A-Fest, Christie Marie Sheldon reveals how your abundance blocks are keeping you from attracting the financial prosperity and success you deserve, and how you can remove these blocks to experience abundance.

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In this video, you’ll discover:

  • What abundance blocks actually are, and HOW you can stop recreating the same negative patterns.
  • How you can begin effortlessly attracting more money into your life, simply by clearing the negative money patterns imprinted on you at a young age.
  • Why abundance blocks — which are emotional and energetic — affect your body physically (and how you can use energy clearing to become stronger and healthier).
  • Real-life examples of how people instantly attracted massive abundance — with money, success, dating, ect… — all through the power of energy clearing techniques Christie teaches.
  • BONUS: Christie will guide you through an actual energy clearing session, so you can remove your abundance blocks and begin experiencing prosperity today!

Christie Marie Sheldon is the author of Unlimited Abundance and Love and Above and is one of the world’s leading energy healers and experts on intuition.

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