read book weekly kwik

How to Read Faster and Learn Better. Join The Super Reading Masterclass by Jim Kwik

A powerful speed reading exercise that will allow you to focus your mind, easily consume at least 25% more words per minute, and shave one to four hours off your daily tasks

Imagine you’re Aladdin for a second.

You found the magic lamp, and when you rub it — the Genie pops out!

And then he says: “You only get ONE wish.”

What would you wish for?

The logical thing to ask would be: “More wishes!”, right?

So this brings me to my point…

If you could learn just ONE skill… What would that be?

You can pick anything… 

But the smart choice would be the skill of learning itself – and learning fast – so then you can easily pick up any other skill that you want.

That’s why I want to introduce you to Jim Kwik who’s going to show you How to Read Faster and Learn Better in this FREE Mindvalley Masterclass this week.

Sounds good?

Reserve your free spot here >>>

read book weekly kwik

Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • A powerful speed reading exercise that will allow you to focus your mind, easily consume at least 25% more words per minute, and shave one to four hours off your daily tasks
  • Learn exactly how your brain operates and processes information, so that you shatter the societal myths that have been limiting your brain’s best performance
  • Adopt two techniques that CEOs, rocket scientists, and Hollywood’s biggest stars use to improve performance, retain more information, and more than double productivity
  • Program the supercomputer within you to naturally improve your mind’s capability
  • Discover the 4 Levels of Learning you need to unlock in order to enhance your productivity, rate of learning, and growth
  • Learn how to create quantum learning shifts in your life for success, no matter your age, skill level, education, or background
  • And so much more…
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