kucoin futures 100

Get Up to $100 Bonus From KuCoin Futures

KuCoin is offering all new users to the futures platform a wonderful bonus. Click below to apply

KuCoin is offering all new traders to their Futures trading platform a maximum of $100 to trade with up to 100X leverage if you sign up for a new account using this link: https://bit.ly/KuCoinFuturesHK

kucoin futures 100

KuCoin Futures is offering a $100 gift to all newbies! Try 100x leverage with $100 to unlock your fortune with a $10,000 position.

Activity Period: November 1, 2020 – January 31, 2021 (UTC+8)

Here’s a breakdown of what tasks you need to do to earn the bonus



You need a KuCoin Futures account to qualify for the bonus. Please click here to open your account.

Please fill in this form to be eligible for the prize.

Read this article to read all the terms and conditions.


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