How The Spectre.ai Trading Platform Works
Haroun Kola
A brief description and intro of the Spectre.ai broker less trading platform. Warning: Your capital is at risk. Only trade with money you can afford to lose. Spectre.ai and the ownership of SXUT and SXDT tokens by U.S citizens is strictly forbidden.
Bitcoin Cash Futures Now Live on BitMEX
Haroun Kola
Bitcoin Cash Futures are now available to trade on the BitMEX cryptocurrency futures exchange. Make money on your prediction of where this contentious bitcoin fork will price at.
How To Buy Bitcoin
Haroun Kola
Easy to follow guide and links to the safest places to buy bitcoin online
How To Earn Daily Interest On Your Bitcoins Lending Them Out To Margin Traders On Bitfinex
Haroun Kola
Bitfinex gives people the option of trading bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies using “Exchange Trading” or “Margin Trading”. Margin Funding is a service they provide that allows you to loan money to other traders on the exchange and they can use at an agreed rate of interest. Click here to find out how to earn a daily…
Why Whaleclub is the Future of Trading
Haroun Kola
When digital currency blends with worldwide markets, something really special happens. Click here to find out more about trading with Whaleclub
Bitfinex Successfully Recovers From Hack, Paying Everyone Back
Haroun Kola
Sometimes it’s nice to re-connect with an unfinished story and get an update. In August of 2016 Bitfinex was hacked for almost 120,000 Bitcoins. Now, 8 months later, there is some closure as they have paid everyone back. Click here to trade bitcoin with Bitfinex now.
Top Bitcoin Trading Tools
Haroun Kola
Some of the critical bitcoin trading tools to use online. Trade bitcoin now
How To Invest and Trade in Bitcoin
Haroun Kola
Chris Dunn co-hosted the first annual Trader & Investor Summit in Las Vegas and gave a talk about “How to trade and invest in Bitcoin”
Bitcoin Breaks $300. Is the rally on again?
Haroun Kola
Bitcoin bulls are singing “To the Moon” once again on the news that the price just broke $300 on fears of a possible Grexit. As is common knowledge however, buy the rumour and sell the fact and the fact that a deal for another bailout of Greece is likely, the price has crashed below $300…
Why The Bitcoin Price Is Rallying Again And How You Can Make Money Trading It With Leverage
Haroun Kola
Finally the price of bitcoin is rallying again after many months of being in the doldrums. The only thing I can think of is the economic situation in Greece and their negotiations with hated ‘Troika’ that is spelling the default of Greece on their repayment due at the end of the month (they delayed a…