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Why The Bitcoin Price Is Rallying Again And How You Can Make Money Trading It With Leverage

Finally the price of bitcoin is rallying again after many months of being in the doldrums. The only thing I can think of is the economic situation in Greece and their negotiations with hated ‘Troika’ that is spelling the default of Greece on their repayment due at the end of the month (they delayed a…

Finally the price of bitcoin is rallying again after many months of being in the doldrums.

The only thing I can think of is the economic situation in Greece and their negotiations with hated ‘Troika’ that is spelling the default of Greece on their repayment due at the end of the month (they delayed a payment that suppose to happen a few weeks ago) and the disruptions from this.


Here’s a chart of the bitcoin price over the past few days and you can see price closed above the $250 resistance level and is trading at 253.18 at the time I took the screenshot.

To trade bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with leverage, please go here.

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