future of page builders in the gutenberg era P4Z6S27XPnI

Future of Page Builders in the Gutenberg Era

While page builders have been around for a long time, recently there has been a lot of discussion about the future of Page Builders in the Gutenberg era.

Gutenberg is the new WordPress editor with great capabilities for building custom pages and post layouts.

A lot of users have started using it for complete website builds and there are several plugins in the ecosystem to extend Gutenberg with more features and functionality.

future of page builders in the gutenberg era P4Z6S27XPnI

While page builders have been around for a long time, recently there has been a lot of discussion about the future of Page Builders in the Gutenberg era.

In this video, we will share insights about how Page Builders and Gutenberg can co-exist.

What kind of challenges and problems both of these solve.

Pros and cons of these elements for not only users but how it’s going to impact Business owners – who build with WordPress and for WordPress.

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