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Prelude to Easter 2018 in the state of the being

Mountains give perspective and so does solitude. In the presence of my favourite one’s my I spent time atop the mountain.

Mountains give perspective and so does solitude. In the presence of my favourite one’s my I spent time atop the mountain.

It inspires great soul searching to be over 3,000 feet. A kilometre above the Ocean while taking this shot.

I realised that my own personal power has been diminished in collaboration with another in the most intimate of ways. An intimacy the kind of which would previously have me walking away from the connection because it was not to my liking.

Where walking away and turning my back to the relationship and being “free” of the burden of connection would be preferable to sticking with it and deeping the connection if possible.

But I long ago learnt that this keeps me in a bondage to an old way of being that doesn’t serve my higher purpose of authentic relationship and I risk losing respect for myself and my word as a bond and the integrity of my person.

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