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Italy’s Political Situation Causes National Angst & The Markets Go Crazy As A Result

The political situation here in Italy is precarious. Since their last elections a few months ago where PD, Partito Democratico (Democratic Party) lost badly to Cinque Stelle (5 Stars) and the other more right wing parties, the winners could agree to form a coalition government until a few days ago.

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I’ve been so busy with this site, moving from DIVI to the Extra theme from Elegant themes that I haven’t really been focusing so much on the news of what’s really happening, nor am I taking advantage of the collapse of the Euro against the other currencies but…

The political situation here in Italy is precarious. Since their last elections a few months ago where PD, Partito Democratico (Democratic Party) lost badly to Cinque Stelle (5 Stars) and the other more right wing parties, the winners could agree to form a coalition government until a few days ago.

Then, for some reason, when they eventually did, the delegate they put forward for prime minister wasn’t favoured by the president, who appointed his own premier, who I heard didn’t turn up for something or the other, like a swearing in or so.

Which brings me to the picture here on this post. The news channels are filled with debate, discussion and pontification about the way forward.

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