Greece: Act One of a Global Debt Drama
Haroun Kola
Greek citizens vote “Yes” to kick the can down the road By Elliott Wave International Editor’s note: You’ll find the text version of the story below the video. In December 2009, Greece was encumbered with debt amounting to 113% of GDP (nearly double the Eurozone limit of 60%). In May 2010, Eurozone members and the…
The 30-Year Commodity Cycle And How You Can Profit From Knowing About It
Haroun Kola
Where are commodity prices headed? Get some answers from Elliott Wave International’s Commodity Junctures
Brace Yourself for a Bigger Debt Bomb
Haroun Kola
The debt implosion from 2007 to 2009 shook the financial world. But a still-bigger debt disaster may be on the horizon. The just-published May Elliott Wave Financial Forecast comments on the findings of consulting firm McKinsey & Co.
Tech bubble: Different this time?
Haroun Kola
Tech bubble: Different this time? By Elliott Wave International Editor’s note: This article is from Elliott Wave International’s brand-new investment report, “U.S. Investors Face a Giant, Historic Bubble.” It originally appeared in the April issue of The Elliott Wave Financial Forecast, published March 27, 2015. For a limited-time, EWI has agreed to give our readers…