daily forex market review 25 may 2018 DP9ihUJjrzM

Daily Forex Market Review 25 May 2018

Bank of England’s Governor Carney will be speaking, US Fed Chair Powell will also be speaking, and monthly Durable Goods order results will be coming out of the United States.

Fred Razak – Chief Trading Strategist at CM Trading discusses the unfolding economic events of the day including Bank of England’s Governor Carney will be speaking, US Fed Chair Powell will also be speaking, and monthly Durable Goods order results will be coming out of the United States.

Further technical analysis of the Euro (EUR/USD), Great Britain Pound (GBP/USD), Japanese Yen (USD/JPY), Australian Dollar (AUD/USD), Turkish Lira (USD/TRY), OIL, , BITCOIN, and the Dow Jones are discussed in the presentation.

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