book of enoch

The Book of Enoch for the Final Generation

Since my early 20s I’ve been a bit wary of religion, something about the indoctrination and the evidence of how people around me were behaving didn’t lead me to consider it a practical way to lead me life. In my 40s though I find myself researching these topics allowing spirit to guide me to all…

Since my early 20s I’ve been a bit wary of religion, something about the indoctrination and the evidence of how people around me were behaving didn’t lead me to consider it a practical way to lead me life. In my 40s though I find myself researching these topics allowing spirit to guide me to all the information that I need to look at and evaluate.

Anyone studying the occult, magic and the mysteries (and traditional religion, from the Judeo-Christian perspective) will have come across the The Book of Enochir?t=harounkcom 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0967573718. The book of Genesis says of him only that he “walked with God,” and afterward “he was not, because God had taken him” (Gen. 5:24).

Many of the resources I’m finding are saying, and I tend to agree with them, that this book is extremely pertinent to what we’re going through in this time in history. With all the wars, deceit and economic calamities we’re experiencing, it seems like something has to happen.

Perhaps we’re just living in the “apocalypse”, not the scary variety, just the meaning from the original root Greek meaning “the lifting of the veil”.

Online Resources

  1. The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Book of Enoch
  2. Why is the book of Enoch not included in the Bible?
  3. The Book of Enoch Chapters 1-34
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