Al Brooks Trading Course
Al Brooks is a professional trader since leaving his career as an ophthalmologist more than 30 years ago.
He has taught his price action techniques on 4 continents, lectured on advanced scalping techniques at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, speaks at MoneyShow and TradersExpo conferences, and has taught tens of thousands of traders how to trade. His books have been translated into many languages.
His Brooks Trading Course is being translated at present. Current languages available are Spanish and Portuguese.
I recently bought his course and have decided to learn some of his methods for day trading.
When I bought the course it was available for download, but you can’t download it any longer and it’s only available to stream from the site now.
At the date of this update I’m about 30% of the way through the course. I’m busy recording a short review of me going through the course material.
Watch out for a review of that soon.
If you’d like to buy his course and learn his style, please click this link to get started.
On this site, I have (one or two) interviews with him about his ideas on price action trading and scalping the market to earn a living.
Below is a video that will help you get started with trading in his style.
You could check out some of these other courses that I’ve found online.