buy bitcin skrill

You Can Now Buy & Sell Cryptocurrency With Skrill

With Skrill you can exchange from more than 100 alternative payment methods and 40 currencies into Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ether and Litecoin instantly.

I’ve had a Skrill account for a while receiving my income from the forex affiliate business.

Previously I used Skrill with Spectrocoin to buy my bitcoin but now I can do it right within Skrill and not send the money.

With Skrill you can exchange from more than 100 alternative payment methods and 40 currencies into Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ether and Litecoin instantly with no additional verification.

I don’t see any option to withdraw the bitcoin into an external wallet, so it seems that you can only convert back into fiat and then withdraw or spend, so no hodling in a secure wallet.

So I’m not sure if this is a real bitcoin exchange or just a very weird 1:1 leveraged CFD platform, but I’ll let you know for sure when I earn some more income from one of my broker partners.

Update: The fees to buy and sell on Skrill are horrendous. And you definitely can’t withdraw your crypto to your own wallet. You can only sell crypto for fiat and then withhdraw the fiat to your bank account. Best to stay away from this particular way of buying bitcoin.

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