The environmental ethos currently is the biggest unifying factor and the creative edge where our values and skills interweave afresh.When you embark on below course, you get a glimpse and first hand experience of the sustainability Har Bhajan and I and all of us at the Long Valley Farm trust in the Western Cape have discovered and implemented.
Sustainability and gardening reveal themselves in the course of a few years. Whilst your neighbourhood is going through load shedding and water cuts and you dream of off the grid systems, come and be at a place where it is all happening: beekeeping, rocket stove, kinetic ram pump, grey water systems, designer compost loos, water harvesting, natural building with rammed earth and plasters, sandbagging and cordwood, in the benign gaze of animal friends – horses, chickens and the duck Marilyn. You cannot invent an ecologically sound and elegant existence overnight but you can feel it in your heart – AND wrap your head around it! Instead of a commercial and expensive Christmas, gift yourself – or a friend – with the learning and expanding experience of … The Heart of Permaculture!Be in the thrilling and deeply nourishing, enlivening company of mavens who have unpacked this lifestyle for decades combined! Admissions close by November 26th. We invite you to put your ducks in a row and sign up ASAP. Register with earthstomper or pritam.khalsa |