cm trading daily forex market review 30 july 2018 1iMrJFkX8Y

CM Trading Daily Forex Market Review 30 July 2018

Technical analysis of the Euro (EUR/USD), the Great British Pound (GDP/USD), Australian Dollar (AUD/USD), South African Rand (USD/ZAR), OIL, GOLD, AMAZON, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, the NASDAQ, and the DOW JONES

In today’s Daily Review, Fred Razak – Chief Trading Strategist at CM Trading discusses a technical analysis of the Euro (EUR/USD).

The Great British Pound (GDP/USD), Australian Dollar (AUD/USD), South African Rand (USD/ZAR), OIL, GOLD, AMAZON, GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, the NASDAQ, and the DOW JONES are discussed in the presentation.

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